Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes

Vision: Additional high quality, sustainable homes, which meet the needs and aspirations of our tenants, in places where they are proud to live


Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes is our strategy map to delivering additional, high quality, sustainable homes, which meet the needs of our tenants, in the places they are proud to live. 

Our strategy sets out three objectives and 10 key actions to deliver over the next three years. We will grow the development program to meet the sustainable, long term demand for affordable homes within our operating areas. We will build our new homes to be sustainable for the future. We will provide homes that meet our customers needs and aspirations.

New supply delivered VFM metric 2

Total stock number

Number of new build homes developed and acquired, cumulative over 3 years

Average SAP rating of land led homes completed

Average SAP rating of acquisitions completed

Percentage of new homes approved which are suitable for older persons and/or disabled people

Percentage of units secured against business plan targets over a three-year period


Find out more about Plan A in the sections below

Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services

Seamless, reliable and convenient services that tenants can influence and trust to ensure their aspirations are met

Planet A

Environmentally sustainable futures for generations to come with tenants thriving in low energy homes and greener places

Supporting Sustainable Places

Beautiful, sustainable and thriving places that meet the aspirations of residents and produce a sense of pride and belonging

Supporting Sustainable Tenancies

Happy, empowered tenants living in comfortable and manageable homes

Providing Quality Sustainable Homes

Tenants living in warm, safe, high quality, sustainable homes in a place they are proud to live

Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes

Additional high quality, sustainable homes, which meet the needs and aspirations of our tenants, in places where they are proud to live

Our Plan A Priorities