Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes
Building and Acquiring Sustainable Homes is our strategy map to delivering additional, high quality, sustainable homes, which meet the needs of our tenants, in the places they are proud to live.
Our strategy sets out three objectives and 10 key actions to deliver over the next three years. We will grow the development program to meet the sustainable, long term demand for affordable homes within our operating areas. We will build our new homes to be sustainable for the future. We will provide homes that meet our customers needs and aspirations.
Objective 23: Grow the development programme to meet the sustainable, long-term demand for affordable homes within our operating areas
To do this we will :
+ Increase the number of new build home completions so that we own and manage at least 9,000 homes by 2025
+ Meet the strategic priorities of Homes England to ensure we continue to receive grant funding for our future developments
+ Construct homes using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to understand how developments can be delivered more quickly and with less environmental impact
Objective 24: Provide new homes that are sustainable for the future, lowering energy use for our tenants and improving the thermal comfort of our homes
To do this we will :
+ Improve the efficiency of our new homes to improve thermal comfort, reduce energy costs for tenants and reduce carbon emissions
+ Install and evaluate low carbon heating technologies in our homes to understand how they can be successfully deployed at scale
+ Build our first prototype low carbon “Future Home” to be zero-carbon ready by 2025
Objective 25: Provide new homes that meet the needs of our tenants, including homes suitable for older people and/or people with disabilities
To do this we will :
+ Proactively utilise intelligence to understand the demand for affordable homes of current and prospective tenants and to increase the agility of decision making
+ Create our Design Code for house types that match the priorities of our customers' needs and expectations
+ Improve the customer experience of receiving new build homes to maximise satisfaction
New supply delivered VFM metric 2
Total stock number
Number of new build homes developed and acquired, cumulative over 3 years
Average SAP rating of land led homes completed
Average SAP rating of acquisitions completed
Percentage of new homes approved which are suitable for older persons and/or disabled people
Percentage of units secured against business plan targets over a three-year period