Rent is changing for all tenants
We follow rules set by the Government when we calculate annual changes to your rent. Our teams can support you to plan for these upcoming changes.
From 7 April 2025 housing rents will increase by 2.7% and Shared Ownership housing rents by 2.7%.
The Regulator allows social housing providers to increase rents in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in September of the previous year, plus up to an additional 1% per year, so that their income keeps up with price inflation.
CPI in September 2024 was 1.7% plus 1% comes to 2.7%
What happens now
We will be sending a letter to all our tenants week commencing 24 February 2025 explaining your individual revised rent charges which will apply from 7 April 2025. The letter you receive will outline any next steps.
If you pay for your rent by Direct Debit, we will send you details of your revised payments separately.
We offer a money support service to all of our tenants to help you make the most of your money and maintain your rent payments.
If you have any further queries, please visit our frequently asked questions section.
Why we need to increase your rent
Prices on everyday items continue to rise, and it’s still a challenge for many.
While the increases in inflation have eased, we're still dealing with the challenges of high prices for the services we need to deliver to you.
For us, this includes increases in prices for essential improvement works.
Increases in rent also allow us to keep:
- Maintaining and improving our current homes
- Improving the energy efficiency of our homes
- Build new sustainable homes
- Provide vital services to tenants to support them with cost of living, anti-social behaviour and employability.
Here to support you
We encourage you to talk to us straight away if you are experiencing problems paying your rent.
We can help you make the most of your money by providing expert financial support from budgeting and benefits to insurance and energy advice. If you need to speak to us call 0800 587 4538.