Transforming Customer Experience and Digital Services
Providing a brilliant customer experience is in everything that we do and this strategy sets out how we will transform customer services and business efficiency through listening and acting on customer feedback, using data well and providing modern digital services. Our customers expect to use digital services that are accessible, responsive and easy to use and this strategy sets out five objectives to achieve over the next three years.
We will transform how customers use digital services, providing them with more choice and convenience to do more on a self-serve basis at their convenience. We are embedding a data driven approach to better anticipate and understand customer needs and shape our services so that they are fit for the future.
Objective 1: Broaden the digital service offer and create seamless, responsive and convenient services
To do this we will :
+ Implement self-serve trackable services to keep customers informed and in control
+ Broaden the range of services available digitally to provide more choice and convenience for customers
Objective 2: Optimise digital communications through both new and existing solutions to achieve a more joined-up experience
To do this we will :
+ Implement a unified approach to communications across all channels to keep customers informed and in control
Objective 4: Use the right data, at the right time, in the right way to inform and create a brilliant customer experience
To do this we will :
+Deliver joined-up, effective data quality and data warehousing solutions to improve the reliability and usage of data to inform decision making
+ Maximise and learn from customer insight to transform services that deliver what our customers want and need
+ Deliver proactive data and insight solutions to inform service improvement and to predict and prevent failure
Objective 5: Modernise ways of working to increase agility, efficiency, sustainability and responsiveness
To do this we will :
+ Develop modern, agile ways of working to enable teams to be more collaborative, responsive and sustainable
% of customers satisfied with their overall experience
Net promoter score
% of customers satisfied that we listen to their views and act upon them
% of complainants satisfied with the way the complaint was handled
% of formal complaints dealt with in time
% of Stage 1 complaints handled in 10 working days
% of Stage 2 complaints handled in 20 working days